Sunday, March 28, 2010

Talking Points 6

Brown v. Board of Education
Between Barack and a Hard Place
By: Tim Wise

This week I liked watching the videos because I felt like I paid more attention to it then sometimes when I read the articles. I wrote down some notes as I watched the videos so I could look back at them and I think that helped too.

A point that Wise made that really interested me was when he talked about racism 1.0 and racism 2.0. He said racism 1.0 is old school racism and when you see it you realize it. He then said racism 2.0 or he also called it enlightened exceptionalism is what we have to look out for now. It is when white people can support Obama, but still look down upon people of color. They support Obama because they view him as different then the people of color norm. I thought this is a good way to look at racism because even if Obama is president it isn’t going to stop all racism. Some people still don’t like people of color because they associate people of color with these ridiculous negative stereotypes. Wise was saying that yes we have come a long way but it isn’t long enough. Racism 1.0 has been defeated, but we still need to watch out for this new racism 2.0.

Wise did say that President Obama’s election has made a big change, but some other events were bigger like Brown v. Board of Education. The case brought a major change by saying “separate but not equal.” After the case when the supreme court allowed kids of color to go to the white school there were angry mobs of people outside the schools and they were spitting and yelling and I think that is horrible. I think wise would say that yes they got the kids in the school, but now they are harassed. So even though the supreme court got rid of segregation in schools it doesn’t stop the racism, but I do believe that this was a big step to stop racism. Overall I think that Wise brought up some very good points and I would like to know more about when he said that racism is not an excuse, but a reason or obstacle.

This is an interesting video I found on brown v board of education. I thought it was interesting and informative. It is an expert from the discovery channel.

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